Who We Are

We are diverse industry leaders who bring almost one century of combined change experience, thought leadership, entrepreneurship and industry expertise.

Change Catalyst are “end-to-end change consultants” who initiate, facilitate, design and navigate change to accelerate the change process in specific areas. Our Change Catalysts have hands-on-experience in industry and proven success to seeing through projects to the end delivery.

Our Co-Creation Satellites led by our Chief Change Catalyst are “ hand-picked “ specialists in areas of Change. Together with Change Catalyst they provide a holistic solution.

The Change Catalyst led by the Chief Change Catalyst are accessible for any businesses at a special rate.

AGA Change Advisors/Catalysts

Founder, CEO & Chief Change Advisor

Consumer Insights Change Catalyst

M&A, Corporate and Change Advisor

Technopreneur & Digital Change Catalyst
& AGA China Desk

Founder, CEO & Chief Change Advisor

Consumer Insights Change Catalyst

Founder & Chief Change Catalyst

Consumer Insights Change Catalyst

M&A Change Catalyst

M&A, Corporate and Change Advisor

Technopreneur & Digital Change Catalyst
& AGA China Desk

Technopreneur & Digital Change Catalyst

Creative Change

AGA Co-Creation Satellites

Co-Creation Satellite
Brand Development & Packaging Design Global Solutions
& AGA UK Desk

Co-Creation Satellite

Co-Creation Satellite
Change Communication & Training

Co-Creation Satellite
Brand Development & Packaging Design Global Solutions
& AGA UK Desk

Co-Creation Satellite

Co-Creation Satellite
Change Communication & Training

Co-Creation Satellite
Organisational Change Scientist

Co-Creation Satellite
Design, Experiential &
Retail Specialist

Co-Creation Satellite
Design & Creative

Co-Creation Satellite
AI & Data

Co-Creation Satellite
Change Creative & Social Media

Technopreneur & Digital Change Catalyst

Creative Change

Co-Creation Satellite
Design, Experiential &
Retail Specialist

Co-Creation Satellite
Design & Creative

Co-Creation Satellite
Organisational Change Scientist

Co-Creation Satellite
AI & Data

Co-Creation Satellite
Change Creative & Social Media

Co-Creation Satellite
Change Creative & Social Media Project Coordinator

Executive Team

Executive Team
Marketing & Business Development Manager

Executive Team
Marketing & Business Development Manager