Resurrecting a Dormant Legacy Brand
to Grow Market Share

Resurrecting a Dormant Legacy
Brand to Grow Market Share

During the COVID-19 pandemic, new “me-too” fighter brands entered the market from North Asia and local competitors started to inundate the markets. They were aggressive in pricing, distribution and activation in traditional wholesalers, retailers and on B2B and eCommerce platforms, which threatened to erode our Client’s leadership position. As a market leader, our client was aware of the perils of dropping price or discounting heavily hence decided to avoid competing on prices with their existing brand.

The client’s brief was to develop a full solution including any “ammunition” to go to market and to complete the execution process within a month. Our Chief Change Catalyst and Global Packaging Change agent were engaged to provide a full solution in the light of the changes taking place. With alignment of the Managing Director and the sales team, they resurrected a dormant legacy brand and swiftly positioned it to maximise sales through its role in the portfolio and category. The result was a strategy and execution plan with a defined role for the brand to successfully grow revenues and market share of the portfolio during the pandemic- including an impactful logo and packaging.


  • Fighter brands from North Asia were entering the market.

  • Local competitors started to inundate the market with low price alternative.

  • Little time to react meant we had one month from brief to complete the analysis, strategy, design, development and execution of the project.


  • Define the Change plan with the proposed solution based on insights gathered through research and interviews conducted internally and externally.    

  • To resurrect a dormant brand which had not been used by the company for many years, meant that we needed to check for “baggage” and consider how to raise awareness and allow the brand to be re-appraised with credibility for its new purpose.  

  • Identified the opportunity to leverage this brand to capture younger target group based on a psychographic and demographic profile targeting.

  • Designed a broad solution of an impactful logo and packaging to allow speedy selection by the leadership team to move the process quickly from conception to launch.


The Difference Made

  • The portfolio was not only able to block new entrants but was able to increase market share by capturing new segment of growth with a properly positioned refreshed brand.

  • The outstanding logo and packaging which is attractive and clearly differentiated in the trade not only served its objective, but was able to capture the younger generation of emerging users.

  • The family business was able to add on another brand to build legacy with a clear role within the portfolio.

@Copyright APAC Global Advisory, Pte. Ltd.