Moving a Global Brand Away from Current Perceptions and Baggage to Growth

Moving a Global Brand Away from Current Perceptions and Baggage to Growth

Our Creative Change Catalyst was the main driver to create the Asian version of Listerine’s global campaign. Listerine global campaign was done out of the United States to move from a functional to emotional platform. The values of emotional communications are perceived differently in the East versus the West.


  • How to move the traditional perception of Listerine being associated with functional elements like ‘fresh breath’ and ‘brushing teeth’ to something more emotional to resonate with consumers and strengthen purchase intent.

  • How Listerine’s global campaign could be adapted in a relevant manner but still retain its core values in the communications and adapted for Asia without losing its global essence.

  • Consumer research was conducted across the globe and particularly in Asia, it was uncovered that people that use Listerine are more bold.

  • A campaign called ‘Bring out the Bold’ with developed with very Asian insights to exemplify Boldness in Asians.

  • The idea was to leverage on the insights that Asians are traditionally shy but with Listerine helping build strong teeth, it give Asians extra confidence and make them bold.


The Difference Made

  • Moved Listerine away from the competition by driving an emotive communication message that resonated with consumers.

  • Through-the-line executions and in-store activations delivered conversion and trial.

  • Sets a platform to give the campaign legs for future platforms and stories.

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