Augmenting User Adoption of New Recruitment System

Augmenting User Adoption of New Recruitment System

A large local enterprise that had rolled out a company-wide recruitment system faced challenges with user adoption, impacting the transition from a fully manual process. Despite multiple functionalities and automation within the system, recruiters in the HR department were found to still perform many tasks manually and enter information into the system only after certain actions were completed.

Our AI & Data Co-creation Satellite was brought in to improve adoption of the new system and in the process identified technical gaps and behavioral patterns that needed to be addressed to make the launch a success.


  • The unfamiliarity of functionalities within the IT system. Many were overwhelmed with the system’s complexity and opted to perform their day-to-day tasks manually as it was more convenient and familiar. Concurrently, they were entering information in the system to be seen as “using the system”.

  • There exist small variations in their workflow that were not addressed and fulfilled by the new system. These requirements were either not brought up during the requirements gathering stage, project implementation, or UAT, resulting in exceptional cases that remain unaddressed.
  • Design gaps in the handover mechanism when a recruiter passes on the tasks to a data admin resulted in miscommunication and slowness in responding to tasks.

  • Development of a Change Management and Communication Plan about the benefits of using the system correctly. Appointment of a Change Champion within each recruitment team, who will act as the functional process expert in using the system to help navigate their challenges and serve as the subject matter expert. Special training sessions are rolled out to the Change Champions.

  • Variations in processes are consolidated and harmonized within teams and across teams, realigning each team’s processes and reducing unnecessary variations. Stakeholder management to align the Change. User guides are created by Change Champions for their respective teams that cater to each team’s specific processes.

  • We worked with the appointed solution vendor to redesign the workflow process taking into consideration the challenges to facilitate the transfer mechanism.


The Difference Made


  • With the implementation of the above interventions, we successfully helped the recruitment team achieve full adoption within 6 months of intervention. The talent acquisition cycle was shortened significantly. Users were more engaged and provided frequent feedback.

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